Sunday, May 9, 2010

An true discussion thats in the air

Should child support always be required?
Are there circumstances in which a party should not
be required to pay support?

No; Child support should not always be required.
Because now lets really think how much of that
child support really goes toward the child?
If the parent has received their child support payment
I think that it should go into an account for the child
and if there are expenses for that child then it should
be taken out ,but the rest should be saved for that
child's college or when they grow up.
Now and days adults blow that money on whatever and
they use the words CHILD SUPPORT to their benefit.
They know that the other party don't want to include
the courts if they don't have to. Child support is
like a wife or husband. Meaning that if you don't pay
on time you will have this agony of someone threatening
you, in your ear bugging you, or popping up in your face
harassing you.

I think that if the party has been taking care of the
child and has not had any problems with taking care of
the child and spending time with the child then that
party shouldn't be required to pay child support. Or
if the child is in the home with the other party ,but
they don't have court issued custody ,but they are the one
taking care of the child then they should not have to pay
support ,but with that being said it looks as if I am
living on mars.

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